
Renting of Seven seater – Mahindra TUV 500 or similar vehicle including Driver on Contract Basis for a period of 2 years.

 The Travancore Cochin chemicals Ltd., invites online bids ( E – Tender) from  professionally competent  reputed Contractors  for Renting of Mahindra TUV 500 or Similar Vehicle  including Driver on Contract Basis for a period of 2 years through the Kerala Govt. e-tender portal http://etenders.kerala.gov.in    as per the  specification and terms and conditions  specified in our  e – Tender. All the relevant details, the Tender document and  Corrigendum if any can be downloaded from the site.

     Tender Reference No.  :  TCCL/WC/2283/2025 

     Cost of Tender  Documents  :    Rs.2800/-  (inclusive of  GST) ( not refundable)       

     Earnest Money Deposit        :    Rs. 35000/-

TenderDownload TenderNo.of Tender Downloads : 1

Enquiry Form

If you have any queries/comments or want to contact The Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Limited, kindly use the form below to reach us.